
September 8th | Sam Cassese

James 1:12-18

Life can be hard at times. And walking with Jesus is no stroll in the park either. We experience trials, our endurance is tested and many times we want to quit. As we go through these things we can start to wonder: where is God? Is he sitting back, waiting for us to stumble? Is He looking forward to seeing us fail so he can jump out with a Gotcha!

This week, as we look at the prism of his glory, we see that God is not a “gotcha” God. It’s quite the opposite...

Knowing God

September 1st | Ronnie Cannon

Acts 17:24-31

What is God like? How would you answer that? There are so many words and phrases floating out there. Culture is filled with people offering commentary and creating caricatures about the nature of God. But what do you believe?

As we read the Bible, we realize many views and assumptions about God are one-dimensional. They are flat and overly simplistic compared to the stunning, breathtaking, awe-inspiring, life-changing portrait painted on those pages.

This Sunday, as we continue to pursue a 3D view of God, we take a deep dive into another of His attributes: His knowability.

A Beautiful Eulogy

August 25th | Sam Cassese

Genesis 50:1-26

Why do bad things happen to good people? Where is God in the midst of suffering? What’s his response to evil? This week find some essential answers in a truly unexpected place: a funeral.

We journey back through time and attend the funerals of some of the most important figures in biblical history, two of the patriarchs. As we listen to their Beautiful Eulogy, we’ll see a side of God that gives us comfort, confidence, and perspective, in both life and death.

God is Always Near

August 18th | Bryan Lloyd

Psalm 139:7-12

Do you have plenty of people in your life but still feel so alone? There are many reasons for life to feel lonely, but God promises to always be with us. How can we sense God's presence during these lonely times?


August 11th | Daniel Fuoco

Romans 5:1-8

What is God like? Is He gracious? You have probably heard a lot of people ask questions like, “If God is so loving, then why is there so much evil in the world?" As we continue in our series "3D - The Attributes of God," this week, we will pursue a deeper understanding of what God is like. Join us Sunday as we learn about God’s grace to the Undeserving in Romans 5:1-8.


August 4th | Sam Cassese

Isaiah 1:1-8

What is God like? How would you answer that? There are so many words and phrases floating out there. Culture is filled with people offering commentary and creating caricatures about the nature of God. But what do you believe?

As we read the Bible, we realize that so many of our views and assumptions about God are one-dimensional. They are flat and overly simplistic compared to the stunning, breathtaking, awe-inspiring, and life-changing portraits painted on those pages. So join us for the next few weeks as we pursue a 3D view of God and see how what you find will change your life.