God has called us to Reach The World.
There are four ways we do that.
Reaching Your World
God had given each and every individual a circle of influence. As followers of Jesus we are committed to partnering with Him on His rescue mission by showing and telling our friends, neighbors and loved ones about the life-transforming story Jesus Christ.
For resources about engaging the mission in your world, click on the link below.
Reaching Our Community
God has planted us in the heart of Talbot County. To learn more about how we make a difference in our community, click below.
Reaching Our Region
We are a church from the Shore, for the Shore. As a Times12 network church we are committed to equipping planters and funding church plants all over the Shore. Interested in church planting?
Email us at office@epeaston.com. or ChurchPlanter@epeaston.com
Reaching The Globe
“God is King of all the earth!” (Ps. 47:7) God has called us to pray, give, and go to make disciples of all nations.
The grace we’ve received compels us to spread the Good News of God’s grace all over the world and to see people come to know Jesus among all the nations. As we follow Jesus to the nations, we get to see people experience redemption and salvation.
Want to give to Global Outreach?
Your generous and faithful giving to Eastpoint Church supports Global Outreach.
“We must be global Christians with a global vision because our God is a global God.”
— John Stott