Title: Cold and Dark
Speaker: Aaron Hixson
Passage: Ecclesiastes 4:7-12
In the dead of winter, it can feel like the cold and dark will never end. As we bundle up to avoid the weather, rush into our homes from the dark driveway, or hunker down against the never-ending viruses, our relationships can pay the price of our isolation. But the Scriptures are not silent on the dangers of relational isolation - in this message we’ll explore what wise King Solomon has to say about the importance of relationship in Ecclesiastes, and discover how Eastpoint has environments designed to push back against the darkness of isolation.
I. Lonely is miserable (Ecc. 4:7-8)
II. Lonely is hard (Ecc. 4:9)
III. Lonely is dangerous (Ecc. 4:10-12)
Main Idea: We are Better Together