The purpose of this course is to identify and equip qualified men to serve as elders at Eastpoint Church. Through independent reading, video content and group discussion, candidates will explore the role and requirements of a biblical elder, grow in their theology and Bible knowledge and understand God’s unique calling for Eastpoint Church.


All participants must do the following before the course begins.

  1. Pick Up your books at the Church Office
    – The Field Guide by Times 12
    – Christian Beliefs: 20 Basics Every Christian Should Know by Wayne Grudem
    – Elders and Leaders by Gene Getz
    – The Shepherd Leader by Timothy Witmer

  2. Register for your online content
    Create an account and register for the Elder Basics course at

  3. Download and print Elder Basics Interactive Guide here


Elder Training

Class 1: Eastpoint Culture and Calling

Date: February 25, 5 - 7:30 PM


  1. Read Excerpt: “God Dreams

  2. Read Article: “Why Plant Churches? 

  3. Read Article: “Church Sized-Dynamics

  4. Read: “The Vision Narrative

Class 2: The Elder’s Character

Date: March 26, 5 - 7:30 PM


  1. Read: EP Elder Profile

  2. Read Article: “Ministry and Character

  3. Complete Field Guide: “Issue 1: Character”

  4. Watch Elder Basics: Session 1 - “Identity of an Elder”

  5. Watch Elder Basics: Session 3 - “Biblical Qualifications”

  6. Watch Elder Basics: Session 4 - “Spiritual Maturity”

  7. Read Book: Christian Beliefs: 20 Basics Every Christian Should Know by Wayne Grudem (Chapters 1-5)

Class 3: The Elder’s Role

Date: April 29, 5 - 7:30 PM


  1. Read Eastpoint’s “Elder Role Description”

  2. Watch Elder Basics: Session 2 - Biblical Theology of Eldering

  3. Watch Elder Basics: Session 10 - Outcomes of Effective Eldering

  4. Complete Field Guide: “Issue 3: Shepherds”

  5. Read Witmer: Chapters 5-8

Class 4: Bible Knowledge and Doctrine (Pt. 1)

Date: May 27 , 5 - 7:30 PM


  1. Watch Elder Basics: Session 5 - Elder Team Models

  2. Watch Elder Basics: Session 6 - Elder Relationships with Staff

  3. Watch Elder Basics: Session 7 - Roles of the Elder in Church

  4. Read Article: “Who’s in Charge?”

  5. Complete Field Guide: “Issue 6: Managers”

  6. Complete Field Guide: “Issue 7: Elders & Staff”

  7. Read Elder Manual

  8. Read The Constitution and Bylaws

Class 5: Bible Knowledge and Doctrine (Pt. 2)

Date: June 24, 5 - 7:30 PM


  1. Watch: “Where is the Box Top?”

  2. Read E&L: Chapter 23

  3. Read E&L: Chapter 30

  4. Read Book: Christian Beliefs: 20 Basics Every Christian Should Know by Wayne Grudem (Chapters 6-10)

Class 6: Managing

Date: August 12, 5 - 7:30 PM


  1. Read Article: “The Centrality of the Gospel” by Tim Keller

  2. Read Christian Beliefs: 20 Basics Every Christian Should Know by Wayne Grudem (Chapters 11-15)

  3. Read: EP Position Papers and Doctrinal Statements