We’re multiplying our Gospel influence, and we’re headed to Centreville!

One of our strategies to “reach the world” and increase the “growing influence of a growing people” is to launch healthy, local expressions of Eastpoint Church to reach the Eastern Shore.

In a nutshell, we’ve chosen this strategy because it’s the clearest, most logical expression of our vision: the growing influence of a growing people.

Why go multisite?

Have you ever wondered to yourself… why would Eastpoint go multisite? Why not just buy a building or add on more rooms? Or add more gatherings so we can all stay together? Well, here’s why…

  • We want to reach more people with the gospel. The best way to reach non-Christians is to plant new churches and campuses. For these churches to be effective, they have to be local.

    Our vision of disciples reaching their circles of influence with the gospel will happen best when people are engaging the mission in their own backyards, the communities where they live, play, work, and learn.

    So rather than expecting unbelieving people on the Shore to drive to us, we’re going to them.

  • An over full room hinders the ability of our church to reach, welcome, and disciple more new people. With every new campus in a new location, we multiply our capacity for gathering on Sunday mornings.

  • We want Eastpoint to be large enough to make a regional impact but small enough to care for the individual. As the church grows larger, local campuses help us stay intimate and maintain a personal touch.

  • Planting a new campus or church will energize the congregation. It creates space for people to get in the game “on the field” of the Great Commission.

    This exciting moment in the life of the church will supercharge people’s engagement with the mission and be a catalyst for spiritual growth.

  • Building “one building to rule them all” is not only incongruent with our vision – it’s really expensive. For a fraction of the cost, we can multiply our geographic influence rapidly by multiplying campuses.

One of the key ways we want to mobilize the congregation is by creating a team of Ministry Partners in the congregation who will make a “missional move” to Centreville and be a part of our Launch Team.

Our 5

The Centreville Launch Team will support the new plant by committing to do five things at the new campus….

1. Attend Consistently

They are now gathering for worship at the new campus. They attend consistently, making Sunday gatherings a high priority.

2. Serve Faithfully

They serve on a ministry team 2-4 times a month, depending on the team.

They know these roles won’t be their forever spots to serve, but they’re doing what needs to be done to fully staff Sunday mornings.

3. Give Generously

The Launch Team supports the new campus through regular tithes and offerings, sometimes even giving above and beyond for special projects.

4. Live Missionally

Launch Team members view themselves as ambassadors for the new campus, regular inviting people in the community and in their circles of influence to join.

5. Pray Regularly

They bring the needs of the campus and the mission of the Church before the Father regularly in prayer.

Join the Launch Team!

Launch Team - 62/150

Upcoming events

  • March 9th

    12:30 - 2 PM | YMCA

    Homework: Why Plant Churches?
    We’ll be working through the MATCH Worksheet from our Discover Your Design course—an incredible tool for helping us all better understand our unique callings and how we can serve together.

  • May 18th

    12:30 - 2 PM | YMCA

    Homework: The Centrality of the Gospel
    Come share evidences of grace, explore our need for new churches, and participate in ministry team member training at Launch Meeting #2.

  • August 10th

    12:30 - 2 PM | YMCA

    Church Size Dynamics