Why Multiply and How We Can
February 9th | Mark McGeever
Genesis 1:27-28, Ephesians 3:21, John 15:8, Mark 1:14-17, Luke 6:12-13, Mark 9:2, Mark 14:33
When Christ-centered disciples and churches multiply, God’s glory shines brighter and spreads further!
It’s 10:02 Somewhere
February 2nd | Sam Cassese
Luke 10:1-12
What’s your favorite time of day? Sunrise? Quittin’ time? Dinner? What if I told you that 10:02 might just become your new favorite time? Jesus said the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few—so He gave us a mission and a prayer. What does the Eastern Shore need more than anything? Come find out as we uncover Jesus’ strategy for a Kingdom movement that starts with you.
Decision Making Authority
January 26th | Sam Cassese
Acts 13:1-3
This week we get to see one of the major pivot points in the book of Acts and in the history of the Church. The mission is outgrowing the disciples and the players on the stage are changing. But in this new era, we learn who is really in charge, both in our lives and in the Church.
Join us for a special Sunday as we open up the Scripture together and publicly ordain a new pastor!
Miracle on 34th Lystra Drive
January 19th | Sam Cassese
Acts 14:8-23
How would you respond to a miracle? What would you do? Who would you tell? Would it change your life? In this message, we encounter a miracle and find a variety of responses. As we watch these scenes unfold and witness the responses, one thing will become clear – multiplication is necessary! Join us for Miracle on 34th Lystra Drive.
Messier Mangers
January 12th | Sam Cassese
Acts 6:1-7
Most people love the idea of growth, especially in a church! Who doesn’t want more people hearing the gospel, more families, more baptisms, and more people following Jesus? After all, Jesus commissioned us to make more disciples! However, what we don’t realize, sometimes, is just what that growth will cost us…
This week, we continue our Multiply series and see how the cost of multiplication and Messier Mangers is not only worth it, but how God uses it to grow His church in unexpected ways.
The Why in Multiply
January 5th | Sam Cassese
Matthew 28:16-20
Imagine being a part of something that goes beyond your own personal journey and story. Imagine getting swept up into a movement, a collective rescue mission made up of rag-tag people whose unified purpose is creating a lasting impact that ripples through entire communities, breaking through barriers of gender, age, and race. Imagine becoming a part of something that existed before you and will exist long after your life ends.
God is inviting you to be a part of His disciple-making, church-multiplying rescue mission across the globe, and His plan to reach the world isn’t simply adding to the cause but MULTIPLYING through exponential influence.