Tale of Two Dinner Parties
July 28th | Ronnie Cannon
Proverbs 9:1-18
The table has been set, the food has been cooked, the drinks have been poured. This week, Lady Wisdom is having a dinner party and she’s got an invitation with your name on it. But Folly is having a dinner party, as well and she’ll do whatever she can to make sure you're in attendance. You can only attend one. Your decision carries with it drastic consequences. Which one will you choose?
Ain’t No Party Like a Wisdom Party
July 21st | Sam Cassese
Proverbs 8:1-36
You’re invited! This week we receive a special invitation in the mail – there’s a party going down. The invites are sent and the activities are planned. Grab your party hats, your plus ones and your notebooks, because this is a party like you’ve never been to. Join us this Sunday where we’ll check out the party together. What we see there is sure to change your lives…because there Ain’t No Party Like a Wisdom Party!
The Cost of Ignoring Wisdom
July 14th | Sam Cassese
Proverbs 7:1-27
This week we have one of our favorite guest speakers returning to Eastpoint Church. With her gift for communication and her undeniable street smarts, she invites us to come, learn, and live. Her storytelling is second to none and her message this week is an important one: The Cost of Ignoring Wisdom.
Price Tags
June 30th | Sam Cassese
Proverbs 6:20-35
How do you calculate the price of your actions? Are you able to determine the true cost of your decisions? Wouldn’t it be a lot easier if there were Price Tags? Well, there aren’t. So we’re back on God’s couch this week, nestling up with another cuppa and seeking wisdom. As He imparts to us insight and understanding, he’s going to shine a light and lead us to see the true cost of our actions. And watch out – because there’s one price tag, in particular, we don’t want even to go near, because if you touch it, you buy it. Buyer beware - there is one price tag you cannot afford to pay... none of us can.
Wreck and Ruin
June 23rd | Sam Cassese
Proverbs 6:1-19
Most of the time we don’t see calamity coming. Often it’s in a moment, out of nowhere, that trouble comes to us suddenly, catching us unawares. How much of a difference would it make if we weren’t surprised! How much pain and disaster could be averted, if only we could see it coming and had time to plan accordingly…
This week in our new summer series, the Lord invites us over for some words of wisdom. As you listen to the words of the wise and the ways of God, He offers to open your eyes and make you aware of three things that could Wreck and Ruin your life.
How To Live a Faithful Life
September 3 | Ronnie Cannon
Proverbs 3:1-12
We all have a limited number of years on this earth. Don't you want them to mean something? Don't you want them to be fulfilling? We could look to the world and see that fulfillment comes from looking within. Or from buying this product. Or from being true to yourself. Or instead, we could return to Proverbs 3 and see that a faithful life is a fulfilling life.
The Talk
August 27 | Sam Cassese
Proverbs 5
What’s the Bible’s perspective on sex? Is God anti-sexuality? Does He leave us alone to figure out how this works? For those of us who are seeking to follow the grain of God’s design…where does this fit?This week we tune-in to a father having The Talk with his son. His instruction will teach us, who desire to walk on God’s path of life and light, how to avoid slipping up in our sexuality. With all the love and sincerity of a good father, he solemnly warns us of pain and happily directs us to pleasure.
Do Not Enter
August 20 | Sam Cassese
Proverbs 4:14-27
Want to be wise? Then get in the car, because we are continuing our journey through the Proverbs, where Wisdom is leading us through the paths of life. She’s teaching us, students of Wisdom, how to navigate and find our way to the blessed path.
This week our travels being us across a very important road sign. As we approach the sign, Wisdom slows down, points out the window and has a lot to say. Pay attention, for those who ignore this sign will lose more than just their way – they will lose their life.
When I Was Your Age
August 13 | Aaron Hixon
Proverbs 4:1-13
If you were stranded on a deserted Island and could only bring one.... you've done this thought experiment before, right? Well, what if the question was more like this: what is the ONE THING you think someone needs to live life well? Is it grit? Curiosity? Determination? Something else? In this message we explore Proverbs 4:1-13 and get to overhear a Father/Son chat about what matters most for a life well lived.
This Will Change Your Life
August 6 | Sam Cassese
Proverbs 3:13-35
To purchase a thirty second ad during the Super Bowl this year, advertisers paid on average seven million dollars. You read that right. It’s safe to say – they probably know what they’re doing… Advertisers understand that they’re not selling products – they’re offering lifestyles. If you drive their car, drink their beverages or wear their clothes, your life will be as fun and satisfying as the models in the commercials. Their pitch to you is nothing less than this: "This will change your life.” This week the Proverbs show us that there is something that really will change your life and it’s not false advertising.
God’s Path For Your Life
July 30 | Greg St Cyr
Proverbs 3:5-6
How do we navigate the path of life? Forks along the path come and go. Decisions must be made. Life is not static. As a pastor, one of the most frequent questions I get is, “How can I know God’s will for my life?” “Do I take the job? Should I move to Florida? Is this the person I’m to marry?” Proverbs 4:26 tells us to “Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure.” But how do we do that? Join us this Sunday as we discover how “He will make our paths straight.”
Wisdom From God & The Way Of The World
July 23 | Ronnie Cannon
Proverbs 2:1-22
She is crying out in the streets. She is raising her voice in the market place. She is speaking at the city gates. Everywhere you turn, there she is, Wisdom, calling out to you. The only problem is… so is the world. The world is there too, calling out with lies disguised as truth and temptation covered up by smooth words. Everyday you’re faced with the decision: Which voice will you listen to? Will you pursue wisdom from God or the way of the world?
An Offer You Can’t Refuse
July 16 | Sam Cassese
Proverbs 1:20-33
Life is hard. Situations can be sticky. Relationships are often confusing. And the happenings around us leave us scratching our heads, wondering what to do. There’s no denying – the complexity of this world requires a level of insight that allows us to identify and skillfully choose the ways that work well. We need wisdom! But where do you find it? And why doesn’t everyone have it? This week we invite a special friend to break it down for us and to make us An Offer You Can’t Refuse.
Warning For The Wise
July 2 | Sam Cassese
Proverbs 1:8-19
Could anyone use some wisdom? In the Proverbs, we’ve been invited to pull up a chair and get some. (Wisdom, that is!) As we incline our ear toward wisdom, we receive a lesson this week in the form of a warning. If we wish to walk in wise ways and desire to learn the ways that work well in life, then we must watch out for something that will wreck us. So the Lord invites us over and offers us a Warning For The Wise.
The Ways That Work
June 25 | Sam Cassese
Proverbs 1:1-7
There is right and wrong... and then there is everything else. We need the ability to navigate the complex situations of life in this world. We need insight and understanding of The Ways that Work. We need wisdom. Join us this week as we begin our new series called, Proverbs: Words of the Wise and the Ways of God.