A Sickness
March 16th | Sam Cassese
Jonah 4
What’s the worst sickness you’ve ever had? Fever, chills, body aches? There’s one far worse—one that infects every heart and soul. Jonah had it. We have it. It’s not just painful; it’s dangerous. It warps our vision, twists our hearts, and poisons our joy. And if left untreated, it will consume us. Today, we’ll expose the sickness and discover the only cure strong enough to heal it.
Pastor Sam refers to an article at the end of his sermon. You'll find that article here.
You’re Not Ready
March 9nd | Sam Cassese
Jonah 3:1-10
This week in Jonah, we come to the climax of the book and it does not disappoint. Jonah gets a second chance and in a stunning, inexplicable turn of events, his message reaches all the way to the King of Nineveh. As we watch his response, we’ll see something in his story that all of can use in our own story. We’ll see it play out, but just a heads up – You’re Not Ready.
Don’t Call It A Comeback
March 2nd | Sam Cassese
Jonah 2:1-10
Man overboard! Jonah is going down and sinking fast. But things are about to turn around for him. Don’t Call it a Comeback! In the next chapter of our story, we learn some powerful lessons about the storms we face and the God who directs them. We all know too well about the pain of the storm. But join us this Sunday and see how in addition to the pain, there’s also always a purpose.
Man Overboard
February 23rd | Sam Cassese
Jonah 1:1-17
How far is too far from the grace of God to be forgiven? Is there a line in the sand that, once crossed, you can never come back from? Have you ever felt too far from God’s reach? Too far from grace? There is good news for those who have thought, “I’m too far gone to be helped.”
God desires to move in grace toward those who are far from Him. The message of grace doesn’t end there. There is yet another warning to heed: To the follower of God, examine your heart. Are there things in your life that keep you from embodying God’s grace to those who have wronged you? Can those who have experienced the scandalous forgiveness of God ever be vindicated in withholding it?
The book of Jonah lays bare the truth: God desires to move in grace toward those who wound as well as those who have been wounded. Find out more about the radical forgiveness of God as we journey through the book of Jonah in our series, Relentless Grace.