Too Busy Not To Pray
March 23rd | Ty Grossman
Passage: Matthew 6:4-15
Many of us struggle with our prayer life, feeling that we should be doing better but unsure where to start. If this is you, you’re not alone. This week, we’ll look at a powerful moment when Jesus teaches His disciples how to pray. Out of everything they saw Him do, the one thing they asked Him to teach them was prayer. As a church, let’s be a community marked by prayer—connecting with our Heavenly Father, not just asking, but spending time in true communion with Him knowing that we’re Too Busy Not to Pray.
Cold and Dark
February 16th | Aaron Hixson
In the dead of winter, it can feel like the cold and dark will never end. As we bundle up to avoid the weather, rush into our homes from the dark driveway, or hunker down against the never-ending viruses, our relationships can pay the price of our isolation. But the Scriptures are not silent on the dangers of relational isolation - in this message we’ll explore what wise King Solomon has to say about the importance of relationship in Ecclesiastes, and discover how Eastpoint has environments designed to push back against the darkness of isolation.
I. Lonely is miserable (Ecc. 4:7-8)
II. Lonely is hard (Ecc. 4:9)
III. Lonely is dangerous (Ecc. 4:10-12)
Main Idea: We are Better Together
Worship the King
December 29th | Ronnie Cannon
Excitement, joy, gratefulness, indifference, disappointment. We witnessed many responses on Christmas Day as children everywhere opened their gifts. The truth is that every gift elicits some type of response. The question we ask this week is what is our response to the greatest Gift ever given?
Heavenly Deposits
July 7th | Ty Grossman
Have you ever thought about where you store up your treasure? I’m sure you do, we all do, bank accounts, investments, homes, cars, time, and energy are all places where we invest. This week, we will hear from Jesus a different way to think about our investments and where we store our treasure. He is calling us to make heavenly deposits that neither the elements of earth nor humans can tamper with.
Gotta Do It
June 16th | Sam Cassese
You gotta do it! We’ve all heard those words before. Someone has had an experience and they are eager to see you have it too. This week, the Psalmist enthusiastically tells us there is something that demands our attention and compels our participation. You gotta do it this summer. You gotta do it early and often. Do it in the morning and do it in the evening. Do it at work and do it on the weekends. Do it with your kids and do it with your neighbors. Whenever and wherever it is – it doesn’t matter. You just gotta do it!
Let’s gather together this weekend as a church family to see what it is. And as a matter of fact, we’ll even do it together.
Lessons in Love
June 9th | Daniel Fuoco
If I were to ask you, "What is love?" the definitions would be endless, and different from person to person. We also use the word "love" in varying degrees. "I love tacos." "I love that song!" "I love my daughter." All things are not equal in the love department.
The Bible talks a lot about love... but what kind of love? In what context? What does the Bible mean when it says that we are to love? This Sunday the apostle John will take us to school as we get some Lessons in Love.
It’s All About Jesus
April 14th | Todd Miles
Jesus understood and taught that all of the Scriptures are ultimately about Him. That not only makes Him the key to understanding the Bible; it reveals Him to be the Lord, the solution to humanity’s most pressing problem, and the fulfillment of every one of our deepest legitimate desires.
The Last Lecture
February 11th | Michael Hearn
Discover the poignant "Last Lecture" of Paul from his dim, underground cell. With love and urgency, he pours out encouragement and exhortation to Timothy, echoing through centuries. Paul's raw honesty about his imminent execution and loneliness grips the soul. Yet, he implores Timothy to fan the flames of faith and embrace suffering as a soldier, athlete, and farmer in God's kingdom. This final charge resounds today, urging us to endure, compete by God's standards, and diligently cultivate hearts. Join the transformative journey of Paul's Last Lecture and embrace timeless wisdom for life's journey.
Remember When
December 31st | Ronnie Cannon
On the last day of 2023, how does God want you to respond to the amazing things He has done this year? In one word: remember.
When Fear Shakes Your Faith
October 29th | Ronnie Cannon
Symptoms of fear may include a racing heart, sweating palms, a spinning head, or a sinking stomach. That's how it affects your body, but what does it do to your faith?
With new reasons to be afraid waiting around every turn, how does your faith respond? This week, as we look at 1 Samuel 21, we're going to see what happens when Fear Shakes Your Faith.
A Jesus Mission (Update From The Field)
July 9th | A Jesus Mission
This weekend we welcomed back our good friend Andy Ziesemer with an update from the field! He was joined with other members of A Jesus Mission including Jeremy Camp, James Mead and Pierce Westfall.
The God Who Answers
May 28th | Ronnie Cannon
Let's set the scene. Elijah, a lone prophet of God. An evil king. 450 prophets of Baal. All of Israel in attendance. It was time to settle the matter: Whose god should the people follow? Whose god should the people worship? Whose god was the real God? A decision must be made.
A Jesus Mission
March 5th | Andy Ziesemer
This week, we're welcoming back our friend Andy Ziesemer! Andy serves as the President of the missions organization A Jesus Mission, traveling to support missionaries and teams around the world.
Real Forgiveness
Matthew 18:21-35
November 6th | Mark McGeever
This week, our guest speaker, Mark McGeever teaches us about Real Forgiveness found in Matthew 18:21-35. We learn that forgiven people forgive people!
How To Pray
Mark 6:5-15
September 4th | Ronnie Cannon
You know the people in your life you can just talk to for hours on end? Who's the friend, parent, or co-worker you enjoy spending time with? When you have rich relationship with someone, the conversation seems to flow naturally.
What about your conversations with God? Does prayer come naturally to you? This week, Jesus is going to teach us how to pray. We'll see that it all starts with relationship with your Father.
This Changes Everything
1 Peter 1:3-12
April 24th | Daniel Fuoco
Last week, we celebrated the death and resurrection of Jesus. His sacrifice made a way for us to have new life: eternal life. But how does the promise of eternal life change the way we live our regular, ordinary, everyday lives? The good and the bad of the messy middle?
This week, we're gonna see how Peter encourages exiled believers of the hope they have on earth and in heaven. This hope changes everything.
The Craziest Thing You Ever Heard
Luke 24:1-12; 36-49
April 17th | Sam Cassese
During his lifetime, Jesus told his disciples that he would be betrayed, put to death and on the third day rise; a sequence of events that would change the course of history. But they didn’t get it… until Easter Sunday. On that day everything was made clear, as they looked for a body in a tomb, only to realize... He was gone.
Aaron Hixson
2 Corinthians
February 13th | Aaron Hixson
THIS WEEK - We're welcoming our friend and guest speaker, Aaron Hixson from Bay Area Community Church!
Life’s Transitions
Psalm 23
November 28th | Allen Smith
In life we all eventually go through major transitions. Whether it be moving away to school, having a baby, getting a new job, loosing a family member or friend, or simply getting older, we all experience a major transition at some point, and with each change we have to say “goodbye" to what is over before we can say “hello" to what is new. David takes on a journey in Psalm 23 that also had many transitions. He went from “green pastures” to “dark valleys” then finally ends up “dwelling in the house of the Lord”. Learn how the Lord helped David through his transitions and find hope for ours as well.
Gospel Fueled Prayer
Colossians 4:2-6
October 31 | Mark McGeever
We are missionaries! We want to see the gospel spread and people come to know Jesus all over the shore. This week we learn that for that to happen, we need to depend on something vital: Gospel-Fueled Prayer.
Jesus & The Children
Matthew 19:13-15
September 5 | Sam Cassese
As Jesus arrives in town, the crowds are growing and the demands are high. With so much to do, surely praying for little kids is at the bottom of the list… However, Jesus’ response shows us that in God’s kingdom, children are valuable, loved, and have more to teach us than we realize. We’ll look at this story with our children in our first ever Family Gathering.