Time To Say Goodbye
Philippians 4:10-21
April 10 | Sam Cassese
What a trip! We’ve journeyed through the book of Philippians, verse by verse over the last few months. We’ve been challenged. We’ve laughed. We’ve cried. And as a result, we’re different. Don’t miss our series finale this Sunday because it’s Time to Say Goodbye.
One Hit Wonder
Philippians 4:1-9
April 3 | Sam Cassese
We know the marvel that is the One Hit Wonder. What started so well, with so much potential... flops. The ceiling was high and the future was bright – but nothing more materialized beyond the initial exciting moment.
When that happens, we're left wondering, “What went wrong? Why couldn’t they go the distance?”
This week, Paul gives the Church some vital instructions that, if heeded, will help us avoid that same fate.
Press On
Philippians 3:12-21
March 27 | Sam Cassese
We know we’re not perfect. Every day, in different ways, our brokenness confronts us and reminds us of the many ways we fall short. Sometimes we despair at the sight of our own sin. We may bow our head in shame or throw our hands up in frustration. Other times we isolate from others or pretend like it’s all okay.
This week in Philippians we’re presented with another option. As a matter of fact, it’s the only good option. We must Press On.
Philippians 3:1-11
March 20 | Sam Cassese
We’re living in a world of “plus”. We have Disney+, Apple TV+, ESPN+, CNN+, and Paramount+. That little plus sign taunts us! We’re in, but not all the way. We have some of it, but there still more to be gained, a further step to be had. You need the “plus.”
Sometimes we approach our faith in the same way: We’re close to God family, but there’s still a little more to do to get all the way in. While the plus makes for great streaming services, it makes for a dangerous approach to following Jesus. This week we are warned to look out for the Jesus+ crowd.
The Power of a Picture
Philippians 2:19-30
March 13 | Sam Cassese
It’s been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. There’s no denying the effectiveness of a visual aid to make an idea memorable or the ability of an illustration to make a powerful point. This week we are introduced to two important people whose very lives are like living illustrations, demonstrating some key gospel principles and attesting to The Power of a Picture.
What’s It There For?
Philippians 2:12-18
March 6 | Sam Cassese
What’s your ultimate plan for your life? What is your highest priority, the goal toward which you are running with all earnestness? In this week’s passage we find one of the most important words in the English language and consider what it means for our life pursuits as we ask... “What’s it there for?”
The Key Ingredient
Philippians 2:1-11
February 27 | Sam Cassese
God is also putting something together – a family. He's bringing people together from all different backgrounds, ethnicities and experiences. However it will be impossible for this group of people to gel as a family of faith unless they have "The Key Ingredient". This week we continue in our series Unfinished to find out what it is.
Have You Heard?
Philippians 1:27-30
February 20 | Sam Cassese
Your phone buzzes. You have a new text: “Have you heard?!” You want to know: What’s happening? What’s going on? What are people talking about?This week in our letter to the Philippians, Paul tells us what he hopes people will be talking about when they say... “Have you heard about those followers of Jesus?!”
The Big Day
Philippians 1:18-26
February 6 | Sam Cassese
Paul, the author of our letter, is fastly approaching the biggest day of his life... His fate will soon be determined. This week he gives us an honest peek into his feelings, hopes and desires as he prepares for his big day. As we listen in and observe his approach to death, we are challenged to consider our very approach to life.
Stop The Spread
Philippians 1:12-18
January 30 | Sam Cassese
The powers that be have tried to put the kibosh on Paul’s mission. There’s no more traveling; no more public gatherings or speaking engagements. The plans have been disrupted. What’s next? As we explore the outcomes of this frustrating situation, we’ll realize that you and I have been invited to participate in something that comes with a powerful promise.
A Three-Part Prayer
Philippians 1:9-11
January 23 | Sam Cassese
We know we should pray...but how do we pray? What do we pray for? This week the love and affection that Paul has for those sitting at the table with him, his gospel-community, overflows into a powerful prayer. The result is a powerful pattern we can use to pray for ourselves and others. This week we take a look at a Three-Part prayer.
Table Manners
Philippians 1:3-8
January 16 | Sam Cassese
What is it like around the dinner table at your place? How do you expect people to act? What’s appropriate? What’s inappropriate? We all have an idea of what the time and behavior around our tables should be like. This week we are introduced to a special table and as we take a seat we are going to learn what life is like around this table. This week we learn Table Manners.
Buckle Up
Philippians 1:1-2
January 9 | Sam Cassese
We are going on a trip! This Sunday we begin an important journey through a book of the Bible: Philippians. And as in every journey, there is one thing we know for sure: We will be different by the time we make it to the end. This trip is going to change us. So get ready and Buckle Up... you don’t want to miss this.
The Unstoppable Gospel
Acts 16:16-34
January 2 | Daniel Fuoco
Everyone has bad days. Paul and Silas enter new territory to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And it isn't long before they are arrested, beaten and placed in prison for demonstrating God's power. The question is, can the advancement of the Gospel truly be stopped? This week, we look at Acts 16 and find out what happens when opposition tries to stop the Gospel and to those who put their trust in It.