Two Types of People
June 2nd | Sam Cassese
Malachi 3:13-4:6
“The end is near!” In the final episode of our series, Malachi ends his oracle by fast-forwarding to the end of the world. What will it look like? Where will we be? As he gives us some eternal perspective, we will realize that there are Two Types of People in this world...
Let It Go
May 26th | Ronnie Cannon
Malachi 3:6-12
You can learn a lot about a person by looking at their financial statements. Where they like to shop. What they prefer to eat. Where they like to travel. This week, Malachi has gotten ahold of the financial statements of God's people and they reveal something troubling. God's people are holding tight to something God has called them to hand over.
The Response Plan
May 19th | Sam Cassese
Malachi 2:17-3:5
When it comes to any worthwhile endeavor, a response plan is vital! If things start to go sideways, what will we do? If the unexpected happens, how will we fix it? Having a plan can be the difference between success and failure, between tragedy and triumph, or even between life and death.
We live in a world that is broken and riddled with evil. So what’s the plan? What’s the Creator of this world going to do about it? This week, we turn to the book of Malachi, looking for hope, and ask, “God, what is your Response Plan?”
Momma Always Says
May 12th | Sam Cassese
Malachi 2:10-16
Many of us have the memorable sayings of our mothers etched into our minds. We’re forever grateful for the wisdom they instilled in us and the lasting impact of their guidance. This week we honor our mothers and the mothers among us by listening to Malachi as he gives the people a message their mother would want them to hear...
A Priestly Pathology
May 5th | Sam Cassese
Malachi 2:1-9
A spiritual sickness has infected God’s people. The symptoms are severe and the spread has reached epidemic proportions in ancient Israel. The Lord has traced the source of their disease and He is extremely upset, for the very people He’s entrusted with the spiritual wellbeing of His people... are the ones who have infected them. This week the Lord gives a strong warning to leadership of His people as He prepares the antidote for A Priestly Pathology.
April 28th | Sam Cassese
Malachi 1:6-14
This week, Malachi continues to show God’s people the signs and symptoms of their half-hearted devotion. In this second conversation, God “defines the relationship,” reminding them exactly Who it is they’re in a relationship with. And as He does, we will see that this special relationship calls for one important ingredient... Honor.
The Motions of Faith
April 21st | Sam Cassese
Malachi 1:1-5
Our hearts are pulled in countless directions. Like a weird episode of The Bachelor, many things seek to woo and win our hearts, competing for our time, mind share, and affection. The result: we’re divided. Our souls are worn thin as we’re stretched in a dozen different directions. We give distracted efforts to competing endeavors with half-hearted devotion. We wake up weary, wondering if what we’re doing is working. There must be more… In this series, God arrests our attention and confronts our idols, calling us back to the only place our souls truly come alive. Together, we’ll learn how the life we long for is found when we give God our Whole Heart.